Philip & Sarah Wright ~ Missionaries to Cambodia

About Cambodia

Cambodia is an extremely religious country, and is well known for being home to the largest religious monument in the world, the Angkor Wat. Historically, the major religions of Cambodia have been Hinduism & Buddhism and date back to the 1st & 3rd century AD respectively.

Following the Vietnam war in 1975 a vicious Communist group called the Communist Party of Kampuchea, better known as the Khmer Rouge, overthrew of the Government of Cambodia. In just 4 years the Khmer Rouge killed estimated number of 1.5-2million of their 8 million, or 25% of their population through Execution, work and death camps, and famine. The Khmer Rouge wanted desperately to rid Cambodia of all foreigners, education, and religion.

As a result, there is a very real lack of elderly people, especially elderly men, and much of their culture has been forgotten. However, the Cambodian people still consider themselves overwhelmingly a Buddhist country. The US Government estimates that of the 16.5 million population, 95% is Buddhist.

Philip & Sarah Wright ~ Missionaries to Cambodia
Philip & Sarah Wright ~ Missionaries to Cambodia

Why Go?

In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus tells us that the Harvest is plentiful and to pray that the Lord will send laborers into the fields.

Our home church has been intimately involved with missions in Cambodia for the last ten years and has seen God do impossible works to bring salvation and joy to the people of Cambodia. Ninety-five percent of the country is Buddhist and only one percent claim Christianity.

The average household in Cambodia is extremely impoverished, living on less than $200 USD per month, and many Cambodians have never seen a healthcare professional.

God has given Sarah the passion and experience to care for others as a Nurse Practitioner and has given both of us a burden to share the Gospel with the lost and see churches planted. We believe God has given us these burdens so that together we can care for the people of Cambodia both Spiritually and Physically.

The Vision

Reach the lost in Cambodia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God has called our family to move to Cambodia to see the lost and destitute come to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

God has gifted us in different ways to accomplish the goal he has put before us. Philip has been an assistant pastor for 9 years and through both of us serving in the local church, we know God’s design is for individuals to hear the Gospel of Jesus, respond in faith to receive salvation, be baptized, disciples, and for local churches to be planted.

With Sarah being a nurse Practitioner, we have the unique opportunity to take basic healthcare access to the people in Cambodia who have never had this privilege.

Our vision to care for the individuals in Cambodia both physically & spiritually as Jesus modeled in Matthew 9:35-38. We have been called to see as many as possible come to know Jesus as their savior, be discipled, and then to plant local churches.

Would you partner with us to reach as many of the ninety-nine percent who are lost in Cambodia as possible? Would you help us care for these people the way Jesus did, both physically & spiritually? Please consider joining us as a prayer & a financial partner to accomplish this vision. 

Philip & Sarah Wright ~ Missionaries to Cambodia